Monday, December 5, 2016

The King of Hearts

Metasploitable 3

The King of Hearts:

All right, we got the Joker card, now let's look for more.
The next easy target seems to be another web server running on TCP port 8585

8585/tcp  open  http       Apache httpd 2.2.21 ((Win64) PHP/5.3.10 DAV/2)

Let's look at it:

WAMP it is, this means Windows (we knew), Apache (we also knew), MySQL (good to know), PHP (yes we knew)

Clicking around gave us a lot of Forbidden blah..blah..blah... except, uploads which is empty and wordpress:

Here's an image with the flags we should find - 15 in total it seems
Look at the Top Right corner!! 


We got 2 without metasploit.

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