Tuesday, January 10, 2023

SANS Holiday Hack Challenge 2022 - Introduction

Once again Santa has invited as to his cyber security conference, KringleCon at the North Pole, and once again... something weird is going on.

Santa has lost his 5 rings of power, he's definitely a lord of some rings 😉, at it seems that without this rings the holidays will be ruin for all those kids that get gifts from him for some reason 🤷

When you get to the North Pole you are given a cryptocurrency wallet while interacting with the teller machine, it seems all the businesses at the North Pole have been persuaded to use KringleCoin, so we're going to need it as we go and try to collect some coins along the way.

This is KringleCoin Wallet
Feel free to donate if you figure out how

The first Cranberry Pi terminal we encountered is a pretty simple one, just to give us a sense of how things work, so we just do as it says and get that out of the way.

As we walk we find wholes on the floor, like those homes from that epic stories about small, big hairy foot beings. 

So we go down the cave to find a door that says Tolkein Ring, this is our first real challenge, but next to it is our new friend Grinchum.

😒Who took you, Precious? How did they take you? Mustn't happen again.
🙂 Oh, hello, humanses. Maybe we can offer help?
😏 Yes... Grinchum will help the humanses.
We are trying to distract them from finding the rest of you, Preciouses, with talk of hints and coinses.
🙂 Have you found the coffers yet? The ones at the end of hidden paths?
😏 There's hintses in them, and coinses, they're veeerrryy special.
🙂 Just look hard, for little, bitty, speckles or other oddities.
Don't worry, they will not look for you, Preciouses. Shhh...
🙂 Go on, humanses. Start searching!

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