Saturday, January 7, 2017

The King of Clubs

Metasploitable 3

The King of Clubs

From the meterpreter I found in the Elasticsearch vulnerability, I used the search command to look for files that start with king:

meterpreter > search -f king*
Found 5 results...
    C:\Windows\System32\kingofclubs.exe (824563 bytes)
    C:\vagrant\resources\flags\kingofclubs.exe (824563 bytes)
    C:\wamp\www\wordpress\wp-content\uploads\2016\09\king_of_damonds-150x150.png (46738 bytes)
    C:\wamp\www\wordpress\wp-content\uploads\2016\09\king_of_damonds-214x300.png (130832 bytes)
    C:\wamp\www\wordpress\wp-content\uploads\2016\09\king_of_damonds.png (585695 bytes)

I downloaded the file:

meterpreter > download kingofclubs.exe
[*] downloading: kingofclubs.exe -> kingofclubs.exe

[*] download   : kingofclubs.exe -> kingofclubs.exe

I examine the file, as expected it’s a Windows executable, and 32bits.

root@igor-kali:~/metasploitable3# file kingofclubs.exe
kingofclubs.exe: PE32 executable (console) Intel 80386 (stripped to external PDB), for MS Windows, UPX compressed
root@igor-kali:~/metasploitable3# binwalk kingofclubs.exe

0             0x0             Microsoft executable, portable (PE)

I ran it with wine

root@igor-kali:~/metasploitable3# wine kingofclubs.exe
Could not load wine-gecko. HTML rendering will be disabled.
Could not load wine-gecko. HTML rendering will be disabled.
wine: configuration in ‘/root/.wine’ has been updated.
Who are you? What is your true identity?
root@igor-kali:~/metasploitable3# wine kingofclubs.exe
Who are you? What is your true identity?


I decompressed the UPX Exec file and copied it to my Windows host and used OllyDbg to take a look at the code.

root@igor-kali:~/metasploitable3# upx -d kingofclubs.exe
                       Ultimate Packer for eXecutables
                          Copyright (C) 1996 - 2013
UPX 3.91        Markus Oberhumer, Laszlo Molnar & John Reiser   Sep 30th 2013

        File size         Ratio      Format      Name
   --------------------   ------   -----------   -----------
    962291 <-    824563   85.69%    win32/pe     kingofclubs.exe

Once I skipped the whole ntdll module all the way to the kingofcl module part, I noticed the stack was showing me some ASCII data that looked like the same header as the three_of_spades.png I already did.

PNG Header XOR 0x0F

I ran an hexdump on the new decompressed exe file and searched for the characters I found in the three_of_spades.png

root@igor-kali:~/metasploitable3# hexdump -C kingofclubs.exe | grep -A 1 _AH

86 5f 41 48 02 05 15 05  0f 0f 0f 02 46 47 4b 5d
0f 0f 0d 06 0f 0f 0d d6  07 09 0f 0f 0f 32 53 bd

So I ran my script again with the same key 0x0f

root@igor-kali:~/metasploitable3# cat

input_file = ‘kingofclubs.exe’
output_file = input_file+’.out’

b = bytearray(open(input_file, ‘rb’).read())
for i in range(len(b)):
    b[i] ^= 0x0f
open(output_file, ‘wb’).write(b)

Now binwalk shows me a PNG file in 0x3E000, same address my hexdump|grep did

root@igor-kali:~/metasploitable3# binwalk kingofclubs.exe.out

253952        0x3E000         PNG image, 521 x 729, 8-bit/color RGBA, non-interlaced
254014        0x3E03E         Zlib compressed data, best compression

Now I use foremost and extract the file
root@igor-kali:~/metasploitable3# foremost kingofclubs.exe.out -o king_of_clubs
Processing: kingofclubs.exe.out

root@igor-kali:~/metasploitable3# file king_of_clubs/png/00000496.png
king_of_clubs/png/00000496.png: PNG image data, 521 x 729, 8-bit/color RGBA, non-interlaced

Ready to party!
And that's it! All 15 flags done!

Caught Them All!!

I won second place 😃

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