Tuesday, January 3, 2017

The Three of Spades

Metasploitable 3

The Three of Spades

How did you get access to the machine?
I guessed the password of the Administrator account in an SSH login prompt.

How did you spot the file?
Once I had a SSH console on the server I went into the Windows folder and listed the files.

root@igor-kali:~# ssh Administrator@
Administrator@’s password:
Last login: Thu Dec 15 21:01:49 2016 from
-sh-4.3$ cd / ../
-sh-4.3$ pwd
-sh-4.3$ cd ..
-sh-4.3$ pwd
-sh-4.3$ ls windows
AppCompat              TSSysprep.log
AppPatch               Tasks
Boot                   Temp
Branding               Vss
Cursors                Web
DigitalLocker          WindowsShell.Manifest
Downloaded Program Files  WindowsUpdate.log
DtcInstall.log         assembly
Fonts                  bfsvc.exe
Globalization          bootstat.dat
Help                  debug
HelpPane.exe           diagerr.xml
IME                   diagnostics
Installer              diagwrn.xml
L2Schemas              en-US
LiveKernelReports      explorer.exe
Logs                   fveupdate.exe
Media                  hh.exe
Microsoft.NET          iis7.log
ModemLogs              inf
Offline Web Pages      mib.bin
PFRO.log               msdfmap.ini
PLA                   regedit.exe
Panther                rescache
PolicyDefinitions      schemas
Registration           security
RemotePackages         securitynew.sdb
Resources              servicing
SchCache               setupact.log
ServerStandard.xml     setuperr.log
ServerWeb.xml          splwow64.exe
ServiceProfiles        system
Setup                  system.ini
SoftwareDistribution   three_of_spades.png
Speech                 tracing
SysMsiCache            win.ini
SysWOW64               winhlp32.exe
System32               winsxs
TAPI                   write.exe

But if you try to do the same on a CMD console, you cannot see it unless you look for hidden files

 -sh-4.3$ bash
Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7601]
Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

C:\>dir /AH windows
 Volume in drive C is Windows 2008R2
 Volume Serial Number is 1475-561C

 Directory of C:\windows

12/15/2016  06:53 PM    <DIR>          Installer
11/25/2016  05:47 PM           519,696 three_of_spades.png
07/13/2009  08:57 PM               749 WindowsShell.Manifest

How did you extract the file?
I  downloaded it with scp

root@igor-kali:~# scp Administrator@ .
Administrator@’s password:

root@igor-kali:~/metasploitable3# file three_of_spades.png
three_of_spades.png: data

I noticed the file is not in PNG format, but it still has a PNG extension so maybe something was done to the content.
Since I know how a good PNG starts I decide to compare both files headers:

86 5f 41 48 02 05 15 05  0f 0f 0f 02 46 47 4b 5d
89 50 4e 47 0d 0a 1a 0a  00 00 00 0d 49 48 44 52
0f 0f 0d 06 0f 0f 0d d6  07 09 0f 0f 0f 32 53 bd
00 00 02 09 00 00 02 d9  08 06 00 00 00 3d 5c b2

If you do a XOR byte to bad between good and bad, you get 0f so that’s our encryption key
I made a pyhton script:

root@igor-kali:~/metasploitable3# cat byte_xor.py

input_file = ‘three_of_spades.png’s;
output_file = input_file+’.out’;

b = bytearray(open(input_file, ‘rb’).read())
for i in range(len(b)):
    b[i] ^= 0x0f
open(output_file, ‘wb’).write(b)

Ran my script

root@igor-kali:~/metasploitable3# file three_of_spades.png
three_of_spades.png      three_of_spades.png.out 
root@igor-kali:~/metasploitable3# file three_of_spades.png.out
three_of_spades.png.out: PNG image data, 521 x 729, 8-bit/color RGBA, non-interlaced

Good doggy!

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